Patient-First Models of Healthcare Part 1

Patient-First Models of Healthcare Part 1

Lecture abstract:

Dr. Avery Jackson, a skilled neurosurgeon, advocates for a healthcare system that puts patients first, focusing on their spiritual, emotional, and physical health. He critiques the current U.S. healthcare setup for its shortcomings and calls for a shift to holistic, patient-centered care. Dr. Jackson’s vision in “A Journey Toward Patient-First Healthcare,” is a call to action, aiming to transform healthcare into a system that truly prioritizes the well-being of individuals. This lecture is a hopeful push towards a more compassionate and comprehensive approach to health.

About the Speaker

Dr. Avery Jackson, III


Medical Director Michigan Neurosurgical Institute, P.C.

Warner Mendenhall is a lawyer in Ohio who has always fought for the underdog. He has defended whistleblowers, fought against corruption, and tried to stop fraud and abuse his entire career. Having served two terms on Akron City Council, helping citizens fight corruption and the abuse of power, he began to feel that the city law department was not providing accurate answers. So he decided to go to law school and after getting licensed in the late 1990s, won cases exposing block grant fraud and defending Charter Amendments. He is now actively involved in building links between attorneys, medical experts, and citizens injured by unconstitutional policies and forced medical treatments that have violated their basic rights.

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