Great 7min video on SSRI’s

  • deniberry

    March 1, 2024 at 1:59 pm EST

    As an FNP/ primary care provider I wish I had known this sooner. I believed the hype and prescribed antidepressants with some regularity. I’ve consistently encouraged regular physical activity and sunshine as the most effective methods to combat depression. But I have regrets. As a patient I had been on various antidepressants through the past 8 years following the deaths of my sons. I believed I would always be on one or another. Anyway – I “accidentally “ stopped Pristiq during a busy couple of weeks during which my refill didn’t process successfully. I had gone 4 days without it and hadn’t realized it. What I felt was wild! I was suddenly dreaming again. And I was mentally a bit hyper. I’m sure I wore my darling husband out with all the talking and such! My brain was waking up and I felt alive. I cried a little here and there – but appropriately. I had actual feelings again. I had some facial parethesia but it stopped about 9 days in. I’ll never look back and feel better than I have in a very long time. I now help patients discontinue antidepressants and believe the key to success is good neurological support with magnesium, Vit D3, zinc, B12.

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