AZ Practice Opportunity

  • AZ Practice Opportunity

    Posted by ross-dunbar-nd on February 2, 2024 at 8:13 pm EST

    I am a Naturopathic physician, Chinese medicine and IFM certified Functional medicine practitioner in beautiful Prescott Arizona (21 years). I own our clinic and I am looking for another integrative practitioner interested in joining our practice that shares some important values and vision for the future in medicine. (NP, MD, DO, ND, Medicare provider would be great). If you are interested and want to explore further please contact me, preferably while we are here at the conference so we can meet in person.

    Thank you,

    Ross (928) 713-1913 Cell

    ross-dunbar-nd replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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