San Francisco Bay Area

  • San Francisco Bay Area

    Posted by b-c on February 11, 2024 at 11:25 pm EST

    I am interested in contacting people from the San Francisco Bay Area. It was wonderful being in a large group at the conference, and feeling as though you could have a conversation about important issues with anyone! That hasn’t been my experience in my own community yet.

    “Helloooo out there….”


    b-c replied 7 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • berg

    February 12, 2024 at 1:36 am EST

    Barbara, I’m also in the Bay Area… East Bay. What have you got in mind for the SF area? Tim

    • b-c

      February 12, 2024 at 2:53 pm EST

      As Karen suggests, I need to move the post to the Public Forum. I thought I would take a chance on the Volunteer site, if not for now, then for later when more people join.

      I am on the other side of the Bay, and looking for people locally, but would also join forums to keep up with happenings in northern California and the SF Bay Area.

      We are in the East Bay frequently for activities for the grandchildren.

      I made contact with an Oakland chiropractor at the conference, as well as one from San Jose.

      It was such a gratifying experience to be there among informed and compassionate people.

  • Karen-FLCCC

    February 12, 2024 at 8:58 am EST

    Welcome to the FLCCC forums — we’re so glad you’re here and reaching out to each other. I suggest though that you move this thread to the Public Forum where there are close to 1,000 members — you’ll get a lot more response I think. This is the Volunteer forum, with only a few members and is more focused on finding people who want to volunteer to help the FLCCC.

    Hope you are able to connect with a lot of people in your area!

    • b-c

      February 12, 2024 at 3:19 pm EST

      Thank you, Karen. I had considered the Public Forum, but didn’t want to sabotage it with everyone starting to inquire there about their own counties or states. Even if I started a group, it could lead to lots of individual groups that could interfere with the functioning of this site. Helping people to meet others in their community is an important service. Does someone have an idea for an efficient way to do this?

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