• Published On: August 13, 2008

    Auhtors: Kiebish MA, Han X, Cheng H, Chuang JH, Seyfried TN PMID: 18703489 PMCID: PMC2582368 DOI: 10.1194/jlr.M800319-JLR200 Abstract Otto Warburg first proposed that cancer originated from irreversible injury to mitochondrial respiration, but the structural basis for this injury has remained elusive. Cardiolipin (CL) is a complex phospholipid found almost exclusively in the inner mitochondrial membrane [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

  • Published On: April 15, 2005

    Auhtors: Zea AH, Rodriguez PC, Atkins MB, Hernandez C, Signoretti S, Zabaleta J, et al. PMID: 15833831 DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-4505 Abstract Myeloid suppressor cells with high arginase activity are found in tumors and spleen of mice with colon and lung cancer. These cells, described as macrophages or immature dendritic cells, deplete arginine and impair T cell [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

  • Published On: January 1, 2005

    Auhtors: D'Agostino DM, Bernardi P, Chieco-Bianchi L, Ciminale V PMID: 16096000 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-230X(05)94003-7 Abstract Molecular analyses of tumor virus-host cell interactions have provided key insights into the genes and pathways involved in neoplastic transformation. Recent studies have revealed that the human tumor viruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

  • Published On: September 20, 2004

    Auhtors: Al-Hajj M, Clarke MF PMID: 15378087 DOI: 10.1038/sj.onc.1207947 Abstract Solid tumors arise in organs that contain stem cell populations. The tumors in these tissues consist of heterogeneous populations of cancer cells that differ markedly in their ability to proliferate and form new tumors. In both breast cancers and central nervous system tumors, cancer cells [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

    Tags: Tumor

  • Published On: June 1, 2003

    Auhtors: Li L, Connelly MC, Wetmore C, Curran T, Morgan JI PMID: 12782575 Abstract Cancer cells escape from growth control by accumulating genetic and epigenetic alterations. In rare instances, epigenetic changes alone are oncogenic. Furthermore, agents that modify DNA methylation or chromatin structure can restore a normal phenotype to cells harboring oncogenic mutations. However, it [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

    Tags: Tumor

  • Published On: November 15, 2002

    Auhtors: Guezva JM, Krajewska M, de Heredia ML, Krajewski S, Santamaria G, Kim H, et al. PMID: 12438266 Abstract Mitochondrial H+-ATP synthase is required for cellular energy provision and for efficient execution of apoptosis. Almost one century ago, Otto Warburg proposed the hypothesis that mitochondrial function might be impaired in cancer cells. However, his hypothesis [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

  • Published On: August 1, 2002

    Auhtors: Nowell PC PMID: 12147207 DOI: 10.1016/s1044-579x(02)00012-3 Abstract It has long been known that tumors become more clinically and biologically aggressive over time. This has been termed 'tumor progression' and includes, among other properties invasion and metastasis, as well as more efficient escape from host immune regulation. Since 1960, first cytogenetics and then molecular techniques [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

    Tags: Tumor

  • Published On: March 1, 2000

    Auhtors: Yokota J PMID: 10688870 DOI: 10.1093/carcin/21.3.497 Abstract It is now widely accepted that cancer is attributed to the accumulation of genetic alterations in cells. Thus, to understand the molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis, it is indispensable to identify the genes whose alterations accumulate during cancer progression as well as the genes whose expression is [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

    Tags: Tumor

  • Published On: March 17, 1999

    Auhtors: Mukherjee P, Sotnokov AV, Mangian HJ, Zhou JR, Visek WJ, Clinton SK PMID: 10088621 DOI: 10.1093/jnci/91.6.512 Abstract Background: A sedentary lifestyle coupled with excessive energy intake is speculated to be a factor associated with increased incidence of prostate cancer. We have investigated the effects of energy intake on prostate tumor growth in experimental animals. [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care

  • Published On: March 7, 1927

    Auhtors: Warburg O, Wind F, Negelein E PMID: 19872213 PMCID: PMC2140820 DOI: 10.1085/jgp.8.6.519 Abstract In this contribution we discuss the question of whether tumor cells in living animals can be killed off through lack of energy, and the related question of how the tumors are supplied with oxygen and glucose in the body. We assume [...]

    Categories: Cancer Care