Authors: Dacasin AB, Diagono DM, So PK, Bautista VR, Bucu ML, Bueno PR

DOI: 10.22271/phyto.2021.v10.i6a.14254


This review summarizes the background of Cocos nucifera, the benefits of the isolated virgin coconut oil (VCO), such as its potential as an adjunctive treatment for COVID-19, and its pharmacological effects, including antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that could be applicable for therapeutic purposes against viral diseases. Observational studies, randomized, double-blind controlled intervention trials, and nonrandomized studies comprise this review that served as a basis. Consequently, from these summarized reports, the substances present in the VCO exhibit antiviral and immunomodulatory activity adjunct with antiviral drugs, which could prevent host cell infection and viral infection replication or reduce the inflammatory effects of COVID-19. Even though there are several studies of VCO in relation to its pharmacological properties, no recent studies have considered the implementation of the secondary metabolites present in virgin coconut oil as an adjunct to COVID-19 treatment. Therefore, further human clinical and observational studies for VCO are needed to suffice the need for evidence in regard to its potential use as an adjunctive treatment against COVID-19.

Keywords: virgin coconut oil, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, adjunctive treatment, Cocos nucifera

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