• I know countless people who think like I do and whose kids, friends, co-workers, and family still think they’re wacky, science-denying conspiracy theorists. I pray they won’t give up. It took a while for me — and some tears and maybe a screaming match or two and one cracked door — but if my family can come around, anyone’s can.

  • "In the midst of immeasurable loss, there’s still much to celebrate." Jenna McCarthy shares what she learned at FLCCC's 3rd educational conference, 'Healthcare Revolution: Restoring the Doctor-Patient Relationship.'

  • To the people still choosing their own safety, security, and emotional comfort over saving lives and protecting freedom for posterity, it’s not too late to do the right thing—but someday it will be. The right side of history won’t wait forever.

  • My husband’s closest childhood friend passed away last month. He did this the way an unlikely number of people have been doing so these last few years: suddenly.

  • Rather than acknowledging the alarming, unprecedented spike in adverse events since the COVID jab rollout, the FDA spin job features VAERS “success stories.”

  • Every day we hear another story of a healthy teenager never waking up, an airline pilot suffering cardiac arrest, or an ultra-fit young athlete dropping dead midfield. The glaring, neon flashing, inexplicably and unforgivably unasked question is not even ‘Why is this happening?’ It’s: ‘Why aren’t journalists asking any questions?’  

  • It’s no wonder that mainstream media is barely limping along on life support. Think about where average Americans get their COVID information, and then consider the inexhaustible list of shows routinely “brought to you by Pfizer.”

  • After three years of blatant fabrications and distortions of truth designed to bend our will, public officials claim to be at a loss over how to regain our trust. Jenna McCarthy suggests, "Maybe they could start by not lying to us day after day?" 

  • The parade-worthy news is people are already pushing back. The mask-lash was so deafening in California (California!) that Kaiser and Lionsgate both swiftly dropped their face-veil requirements.

  • The Bill of Rights makes no stipulation that protected speech be popular, fair, or even true. The freedom to openly express our thoughts (and unfettered access to ideas that oppose them) is inalienable.

  • Dr. Pierre Kory and Jenna McCarthy join Jason Bermas on the Making Sense of the Madness broadcast featured on AMPNews.

  • By definition, a 'conspiracy theorist' is simply someone who suspects that someone else is doing something nefarious and then uses that suspicion to make subsequent life choices.

  • Jenna McCarthy recounts how many words and phrases have been bent and twisted to mean different things ever since COVID came to town.

  • It’s not necessarily a war between 'us' and 'them', or 'ruling class' and 'minions', but between good and evil. And good can (and will) win.

  • The infant formula industry's massive PR campaign against breastfeeding has striking parallels to the assault on natural immunity from COVID.

  • When it comes to COVID holdouts, the heartbreaking reality is that they clearly don’t realize they are victims. They also haven’t let themselves accept the fact that our government and public health agencies are, sadly, being incredibly abusive.

  • The COVID messaging came in early, hot — and most of all — in stereo: “This virus is deadly. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining are critical to stemming the spread. Herd immunity will be our salvation. The only way to achieve that is to lock everyone in their homes and wait for safe-and-effective vaccines to save us. Fortunately, pharma is on it!”

  • Jenna McCarthy asks why people believe what they believe, and why many people blindly follow so-called 'experts' without question.

  • Jenna McCarthy is a speaker and the author of a few dozen books for adults and children. Her writing will appear here monthly, in a new column called “Here’s a thought…” Subscribe now to get the series in your inbox, along with the rest of the FLCCC’s news and updates.